Results of 24th Annual Cartoon Contest Olense 2012, Belgium …..نتائج مسابقة أولنس – بلجيكا


Results of 24th Annual Cartoon Contest Olense 2012, Belgium
نتائج مسابقة أولنس – بلجيكا

Theme: ‘Puzzles and Puzzlers’

45 nationalities were represented in this festival , 20% of all participants were Belgians


1st prize: O-SEKOER (Luc Descheemaeker) /Belgium
2nd prize: Norbert Van Yperzeele /Belgium
3rd prize: Serafim Bakoulis/ Greece
4th prize: Nikola Hendrickx /Belgium
5th prize: Rudy Thijs /Belgium
a special prize for the best Polish entry offered by the Polish city of Bialogard: Pawel Kuczynski / Poland

Amnesty International Prize( with theme ,‘Energy for everyone’): Norbert Van Yperzeele(Belgium)

winners of youth category:

1st prize: Erol Dagdemir/ Turkey
2nd prize: Kaan saatci /Turkey
3rd prize:  Zang A He /China
4th prize: He Xin Wan / China

see wineers`works on ECC blog


Raed Khalil
موقع رسام الكاريكاتور السوري رائد خليل | جميع الحقوق محفوظة


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