Results of 32nd Nasreddin Hodja International Cartoon Contest/Turkey 2012 …نتائج مسابقة نصر الدين هوجا- (32)..


Results of 32nd Nasreddin Hodja International Cartoon Contest/Turkey 2012
نتائج مسابقة نصر الدين هوجا- (32)..

2476 works of art drawn by 895 caricaturists from 69 countries have been judged by the members of the Jury whose names are below: (ERDOĞAN BAŞOL / Turkey, KADİR DOĞRUER / Turkey, ALESSANDRO GATTO / Italy, MUHİTTİN KÖROĞLU / Turkey , NEXHAT KRASNIQI / Kosovo, OLEKSIY KUSTOVSKY / Ukraine, METİN PEKER / Turkey, IGOR SMIRNOV / Russia, METİN ÜSTÜNDAĞ / Turkey, ŞEVKET YALAZ / Turkey).

Raed Khalil
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