“International Return to Home Cartoon Contest 2012” …مسابقة العودة في إيران


“International Return to Home Cartoon Contest 2012”
مسابقة العودة في إيران

الموضوع: حق العودة( ومايتعلق بحق عودة الفلسطينين إلى أرضهم)..
يمكن المشاركة بـ 5 رسوم كحد أقصى بحجم 2000 بيكسل بالطول أو بالعرض و200 دي بي آي على أن تصل الرسوم قبل 30/4/2012 إلى الايميل التالي
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية والشرفية

In support of the “Global March to Jerusalem” and the march
of the representatives of various nations towards occupied Palestine’s borders,
“International Return to Home Cartoon Contest 2012” will be held:

Themes & Subjects:
– Right of the displaced Palestinians to return to their homeland.
– Protest to occupation of the Jerusalem as the holy land of all religions.

– participant can send maximum 5 artworks.
– Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Telephone)
of artists Just by word file is necessary.
– The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their
artworks published in the catalogue.
– Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 2000 pixel
by jpg format.
– Subject of [Return to Home] must be mentioned in the send Email.

3 selected works will be awarded for each person:
1000 $ with Honorable mention & Trophy
And 5 selected works will be awarded for each person:
Honorable mention & Trophy

Deadline: 30th Apr., 2012

Address for sending artworks:


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