“Yilmaz Guney 2nd Festival of Culture and Art”-Turkey …..مسابقة يلمازغوني الدولية الثانية في تركيا


“Yilmaz Guney 2nd Festival of Culture and Art”-Turkey
مسابقة يلمازغوني  الدولية الثانية في تركيا

الموضوع: 1-السينما 2- بورتريه يلماز غوني
ترسل الرسوم عبر الايميل التالي قبل 15/2/2012

karikatur.yilmazguneyksf @ gmail.com
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز

1-The contest is open to artists from all over the world, professional or amateur.
2 – The contest will be comprised of two separate branches:
a) “Cartoons about cinema”
b) “Cartoons of Yilmaz Guney’s portraits”
(For pictures of, or information about Yilmaz Guney visit: http://www.yilmazguneyksf.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=392&Itemid=97
3-The work submitted must not have received an award at another contest.
The works will be judged for Their progressive, realistic and critical aspects which are important qualities of Yilmaz Guney’s cinema and are integral to the nature of the art of the cartoon.

4 – Participants may submit any number of cartoons they wish. But a participant can not receive more than one outlet.
The drawing should not be any

5-cent larger than a sheet of A3 paper (29.7 cm x 42 cm). They must be in jpg format, with resolution of 300 dpi.
6 – Works must be submitted until the 15th of February, 2012, via e-mail to the address “karikatur.yilmazguneyksf @ gmail.com
. 7 – Participants must specify which branch of the contest they wish to take part in (“cinema” or “portrait”). When sending the work, the artists must send a Word document containing Their names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses, along with a short resume and a photo of Themselves. Their artists under age 18 must specify as definitely there will be a “promising young artist award.”

8 – Works which have received awards and / or were seen as worthy of display will be brought together and published an album. Those artists whose drawings are in the album will receive a copy.
9 – The exhibition of the contest will be displayed in various parts of Istanbul during the month of March. The award ceremony will take place on the 31st of March 2012, which is the final evening of the festival, in Istanbul.
The Participants who could attend the ceremony will have to Their home addresses Their prizes cents.

10 – Once the works have been Evaluated, 4 participants The for each category will receive the “Honorary Award Yilmaz Guney.” In addition, two participants The prison will receive from the “Yilmaz Guney Freedom Award”, two participants The Under 18 will receive the “Promising Young Artist Award, “and one participant will receive the” Judge’s Special Award. “
11 – The jury will be comprised of the following and artists: Dalponte Paolo (Italy), Maria Elena Mejia Ospina (Spain), Canol curlew (Turkey), Moses Silver (Turkey), Kamil Yavuz (Turkey), and Askin Ayrancioglu (Turkey) .

12 – The works have been submitted to the contest which will stay in the archives of the organization organizing the festival. These works will have the right to use the organization in its publications, posters, brochures, calendars etc. The artist will receive a copy of the publication whenever his / her work is used.
13 – All Artists Participating in the contest are assumed to have read and agreed with the terms stated above.
* For information on the “Festival of Yilmaz Guney Culture and Art,” visit: www.yilmazguneyksf.org

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