1st . Contest of Social Illustration “Nuntius Imago”| Argentina ….مسابقة الكاريكاتور الدولية الاولى في الارجنتين


1st . Contest of Social Illustration “Nuntius Imago”| Argentina
مسابقة الكاريكاتور الدولية الاولى في الارجنتين

الموضوع: النضال الاجتماعي حقوق الإنسان، التضامن والتعاون ،…..الخ
ترسل الاعمال بحجم 21×29 سم قبل
1/11/2011 إلى الايميل التالي:

ستوزع العديد من الجوائز

“Today the media corporations impose their agenda, depending on their convenience and interest, which usually go against humanity. Meanwhile they injure and violate essential values against freedom of expression, independence of thoughts and plurality of voices.
However, there are still spaces of resistance.
And this competition will be a demonstration of this.”
Fuseres.Org invite you to the 1st . Contest of Social Illustration.
Where creativity is taken from values, rights and social struggle, to subvert common sense.
Terms and Conditions
In order to participate you must be above 12 years old, of any nationality.
Each contestant may submit up to 3 works.
Subject / Format:
– The event, as its title implies, portray a proposed social issues (social struggle for
Human Rights, Responsibility and care of the environment, solidarity and cooperation,
service to the needy, etc.)/ It will take into consideration critic sense as well as
– The art work must be original as well as the characters drawn.
www.fuseres.org | 1st. Contest of Social Illustration (1IS11!)
– They may be submitted in black and white as well as color.
– The technique is Free.
– Maximum length: 1 page DIN A4 / Digitized (scanned) / JPG.
– The message of the work should be summarized in one page.
Send your work to:

With the following information:
– Title of the work.
– Name and Surname of the contestant.
– Age / ID number
– Telephone number
– Address/ City/ Country
For sending and receiving illustrations:
From September 10, 2011
Until November 1, 2011
The jury is made up of renowned designers and artists, who will select the best works,
take decisions by consensus and their choice is final.
Jury: Cecé Goñi | Andreína Poli | Gabino Tapia
The verdict will be announced
Sunday November 6, 2011.
www.fuseres.org | 1st. Contest of Social Illustration (1IS11!)
1st. Position:
• Cash. (50% of the money will go to the cause / campaign / entity related to the
artwork and the winner decides).
• A Set of professional drawing.
(If the winner is living outside of Argentina, the prize will be cash)
1st. – 3rd. Position:
• Cash. (50% of the money will go to the cause / campaign / entity related to the
artwork and the winner decides).
1 st . To the 5 th . Position:
• Trophy
• Publication of the art work in different media.
(If the cartoonist is among the first five places and lives outside of Argentina, he/she
will be responsible for costs sending the trophy).
For every participant:
• Diplomas / certificates.
 For more information about the Awards, please visit: http://www.fuseres.org/accion/ama-bolivia/104-premios-y-aclaraciones-del-1is11.html
Ownership of works:
The author owns his/her work, although Fuseres.Org reserves the right to publish and
/ or distribute them, without required authorization. Nor should pay for it.
www.fuseres.org | 1st. Contest of Social Illustration (1IS11!)
Participation in the contest implies acceptance of these rules. Any doubt about the
interpretation thereof, shall be resolved by the organization, which may introduce any
changes it deems appropriate, if necessary.
For more information do not hesitate to contact:
This contest is endorsed by the
City Hall & Secretary of Culture of S.C. de Bariloche | Argentina


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