Winners of 44th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, 2024-Turkey
Winners of 44th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest, 2024-Turkey
،نتائج مسابقة نصر الدين هوجا الدولية ال44 في تركيا
الموضوع حر
شارك بحسب المنظمين 690 رساماً من 63 دولة وبلغ مجموع الأعمال المقدمة2200 عمل
ويحتاج هذا الكم الكبير من المشاركة إلى وقت للفرز والتدقيق ..علماً أن نهاية استقبال الأعمال كان في بداية شهر نوفمبر وخلال 4 أيام أعلنوا النتيجة.
أعمال أبسط مايقال عنها إنها ضعيفة وبائسة ولاتحمل أية مضامين فنية هادفة
وهذا ينطبق على أغلب المسابقات التركية
The subject of the Competition is free.
The Jury of 44th International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition comprised of Kadir DOĞRUER, Ahmet ÖZTÜRKLEVENT, Metin PEKER, Akdağ SAYDUT and İbrahim TUNCAY gathered at the Cartoonists Association Center on 2 – 3 November 2024. The Jury, presided by Kadir DOĞRUER has evaluated 2200 artworks drawn by 690 caricaturists from 63 countries. Jury members have chosen 12 finalists on the basis of majority system and with an evaluation process of 6 rounds. Finalists have established by the Jury members on the basis of secret voting system. The points given by the Jury members for the final evaluation have been calculated by the Jury members Ahmet ÖZTÜRKLEVENT and Kadir DOĞRUER to identify the winners of the awards and thus finalize the 44th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest
2200 artworks drawn by 690 caricaturists from 63 countries
Grand Prize
Grand Prize
Klaus Pitter – Austria
Honour Prize
İsmet Lokman – Türkiye
Honour Prize
Roberto Castillo Rodríguez – Cuba
Honour Prize
Marcelo Eduardo Lelis de Oliveira – Brazil
Special Prize of The Association of Caricaturists/Victor Kudin – Ukraine
Special Prize of Ministry of Culture and Tourism /George Licurici – Romania
Special Prize of The Koç Holding/Ricardo Ferreira – Portugal
Special Prize of Tüpraş General Directorate/Ludo Goderis – Belgium
Special Prize of Akşehir Municipality and Nasreddin Hodja/Pedro Silva – Portugal
Special Prize of Çankaya Municipality/Alexander Shmidt – Russia
Special Prize of Kadıköy Municipality/Bilig Ba – China
موقع الكارتون الســـوري
مدير الموقع: رائد خليـــل
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