International Caricature Festival on Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas. 2011/Iran مسابقة ” الغاز والاستخدام الأمثل الآمن” الدولية للكاريكاتير في إيران


International Caricature Festival on Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas. 2011/Iran

مسابقة ” الغاز والاستخدام الأمثل الآمن” الدولية للكاريكاتير في إيران2011

الموضوع:(الاستهلاك المثالي ونصائح ومراقبة استخدام الغاز)
يمكن المشاركة بـ 5 رسوم بحجم 1500 بيكسل بالطول أو بالعرض و200 دي بي آي..
على أن ترسل إلى الايميلين التاليين قبل 30/6/2011:

ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية والشرفية

International Caricature Festival on Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas. 2011/Iran

Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas
(Consumption Optimization and observation the gas safety tips)
Conditions  :
Each participant can send maximum 5 artworks
Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Tel) of artists Just by word file is necessary
The catalogue will be send to the entire artist that their artworks published in the catalogue
Artworks must be in 200 dpi by width or length of 1500 pixel by jpg format.
Catalogue of the festival will be dedicated to all artists whose works are printed in the catalogue
Secretariat of the festival has the copyright of printing and exhibiting the received works
Attending in the competition means the artists agree with all rules of the festival


Grand prize: $1000, Honorable mention & Trophy.
First prize: $750, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Second prize: $ 500, Honorable mention & Trophy.
Third prize: $ 250, Honorable mention & Trophy.
5 Honorable mention & troph 
Address for sending artworks:

Sending through internet:

Sending through courier:
Public relations Dept. of North Khorasan Gas Company, Behdasht St. (Sarv Alley), South Ferdowsi St., Bojnourd, North Khorasan Province, Iran
Postal Code: 94186-54145
For more information, please send your questions to the following email address:



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