Fifth Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest /Spain


Fifth Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest /Spain
مسابقة غرافيك هومر الدولية الخامسة للصحة/إسبانيا

الموضوع: الإيدز
يمكن إرسال 3 رسوم بحجم 21×29 سم قبل 8/4/2011
إلى الإيميل التالي
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية
Fifth Annual Health and Graphic Humor Contest, on AIDS, understood as the physical and social disease
and the impact that it has on developing countries,
as well as sexual and condom promotion educational programs.

1. Any professional or amateur artist can participate in this competition.
2. The topic of this contest will be on AIDS
3. The participants may submit up to three (3) items to the contest, with the provision that these images have
not previously received awards in other contests

4. The works (only drawings) can be any graphic technique in single A-4 (210 mm x 297 mm) format or

proportional size, in Catalan, Spanish or English.
5. All works must be submitted only via e-mail, to,
after being scanned at 300 point resolution in JPG (JPEG) format.

6. The submission deadline is April 8, 2011.
7. Works must be accompanied by a file which includes first and last name, address,
telephone number and a photograph or caricature of the artist.

8. A prize of 1000€ will be given to the winning application and a second prize of 500€ will also be awarded.
The jury panel of may declare that there is no winner.
9. The decision of the jury panel is not subject to appeal.

10. The composition of the jury panel will be made public after the winner is announced.
11. The decision of the jury panel will be communicated to the winner during the third week of April 2011,
by email, and will then be published on the website of Humoràlia , and in the media.

12. The first fifty (50) works selected will be exposed at the University of Lleida Medical
School during the second half of May, 2009. furthermore, a catalog magazine

with these works will be published, as well as editions of the posters. Also become part of a final book release.
13. Participation in this contest implies permission from the author’s reproduction
of the work presented in a book in paper form for dissemination and promotion of the contest.

The organizers of the contest, agree to use these images for promoting this contest and not for other uses.
14. Participating in the competition constitutes acceptance of the contest rules

in their entirety and without reservation. Any questions or conflicts will be resolved by the jury panel.

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