Artist and Cartoon.. الفنان والكاريكاتور


Artist and Cartoon.. الفنان والكاريكاتور

صدر كتاب جديد بعنوان “الفنان والكرتون” ، يتضمن الأعمال المشاركة في مسابقة   “الملا نصر الدين / أذربيجان 2010” .
ضم الكتاب نحو 400 عمل فني لـ 375 فناناً من 59 دولة..

وقد جاء في الصفحات الأولى من الكتاب دراسة مكرسة للذكرى السنوية 130 لرسام الكاريكاتير المبدع (عظيم زاده)Azimzadeh
 ليتمكن القراء ومحبي الرسوم المتحركة من الاطلاع على إبداع الفنانين الأذربيجانيين الغنية
التي غطت فترات مختلفة مابين(1906-1943).
مع تحيات
بايرام حاجي زاده

رئيس اتحاد رسامي الكاريكاتور في أذربيجان

Dear friends and colleagues,

Our book titled “Artist and Cartoon” prepared on the basis of the cartoons sent to the International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin – Azerbaijan 2010” has already been published. About 400 cartoons of 375 artists from 59 countries were included into the book. In the first pages of the book dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the first cartoonist of Azerbaijan A.Azimzadeh, the artist’s creativity has been widely lightened. The readers and cartoon lovers can acquaint themselves with Azerbaijani artist’s rich and glorious creativity which covers different periods (1906-1943). I am thankful to all my colleagues and jury who joined the contest “Molla Nasreddin”. And I am grateful to each of you for your having been with us in this project. Please receive my invitation to the forthcoming IV International Cartoon Contest “Molla Nasreddin”.
Each artist whose cartoon was published in the book “Artist and Cartoon” will have been able to get his book as a present by the end of February. I am hopeful that each of you will like our new publication.

Best regards,  
Bayram Hajizadeh
The President of Azerbaijan Cartoonists’ Union



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