results of the 22nd Olense Kartoenale 2010 / Belgium


 results of the 22nd Olense Kartoenale 2010 / Belgium
نتائج مسابقة أولنس الـ 22 في بلجيكا 2010

الموضوع: لغة الجسد
Theme:Body Art – Body Talk – Body Language”

1st prize:Pol Leurs / Luxemburg

2nd prize: L’Ubomir Kotrha (Slovakia)
3rd prize: Yuriy Kosobukin (ukraïne)
4th prize: Stefaan Provijn (Belgium)
5th prize: Karoly Lugosi (Hungary)
prize of van de Provincie Antwerpen: Frans Goossens (Belgium)

1st prize:Pol Leurs / Luxemburg

2nd prize: L’Ubomir Kotrha (Slovakia)

3rd prize: Yuriy Kosobukin (Ukraine)

4th prize: Stefaan Provijn (Belgium)

5th prize: Karoly Lugosi (Hungary)

prize of van de Provincie Antwerpen: Frans Goossens (Belgium)

Youth Category:

First Prize: Zi Han Jiang (China)
Second prize: Uros Maksimovic (Serbia)
Third prize: Mie Vanhove (Belgium)
Fourth prize: Ye Zi Ming (China)
Prize of the Province of Antwerp: Zhihang Gao (China)

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