The pre-selection jury (International Exhibition against Racism) Brazil 2010


The pre-selection jury (International Exhibition against Racism) Brazil 2010
لجنة اختيار أعمال مسابقة لا للتمييز العنصري / البرازيل2010

شارك في مسابقة لا للتمييز العنصري  التي تقام في البرازيل فنانون من 47 دولة في العالم.. واختارت اللجنة البرازيلية 45 عملاً فقط
لتعرض في مركز مونتيس كلاروس للتسوق.

وستعرض الأعمال المختارة على اللجنة الدولية المؤلفة من فنانين من أذربيجان وإيران والصين و ألمانيا وسورية ( رائد خليل).

The pre-selection jury got together on INTERTV, on October 21th,
and they chose 45 cartoons which ones will be exposed on Montes Claros Shopping on October 28th.
Very important people who works with arts, publicity and journalism were invited to participate of the cartoons selection, and these cartoons will be on the International Exhibition against Racism.
The jury had a great responsibility, they had to choose the best drawing, between the ones that came from 47 countries. It was obeyed the following criteria: originality, criativity, humor and trace. chose the city’s big industries professionals, who appreciate art and own acute critical sense.The pre-selection jury was composed by Fábio Braidatto (INTERTV’s Directo), Georgino Jr. (Cartoonist), Igor Christoff (Artist), Letícia Turano (Advertising person), Márcio Leite (Cartoonist), Rodrigo Rêgo (Singular Comunicação Visual’s Director), Roberta Marques Cangussu (Artist) e Wandaik Santos (Cartoonist). 
After the pre-selection, the three winners will be chose on October 29th by the event’s official jury, chaired for the master Ziraldo





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