results of The Second International Digital Media Cartoon Contest / 2010


results of The Second International Digital Media Cartoon Contest / 2010
نتائج مسابقة الديجيتال الدولية الثانية في إيران

Mobarakeh Fallahi-Iran
First Prize /2000$ , Honorable Mention & Trophy

Farhad Bahrami Reykani-Iran
Second Prize /1500$ , Honorable Mention & Trophy

 Vladimir Stankovski-Serbia
Third Prize /1000$ , Honorable Mention & Trophy

Trophy and Honorable Mentions:

Hicabi Demirci-Turkey

Sajad Rafeei-Iran

Dalcio Machado-Brazil

Maciej Wierzbicki-Poland

Muammer Olcay-Turkey

Mehdi Azizi-Iran

Shahrokh Heidari-Iran

Doddy Iswahyudi-Indonesia

Trayko Popov-Bulgaria

Sevket Yalaz-Turkey

Alireza Pakdel-Iran







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