The 3rd Amazon Humor Salon/Brazil


The 3rd Amazon Humor Salon/Brazi


a) Open to artists of all nationalities;

b) Cartoons and Caricatures:Works must be submitted by e-mail, 300 dpi resolution image; dimension of 3,543 x 4,724 pixels or 30 x 40 cm;

RGB color model; jpg format (average quality) maximum size of 1.5 MB. Works must not have been exhibited before;
c) Our Planet in 1 Minute – Videos:One-minute videos in any digital format and completed in the last two years (2009-2010) are eligible.
Works must not have been exhibited before. If the language spoken in the video is not Portuguese, Portuguese subtitles are required;
d) The registration form must be filled out with the following information:
title of works, year, full name of the author, artistic name of the author, address with Zip Code, telephone number, email, passport number
and bank account details. Works must be attached to the form. By clicking send form
the participant will be agreeing to the terms and conditions of the event;
e) Each participant may send a maximum of 2 (two) works per theme:

2- Theme: Free;
3- Theme: Caricature;

4- Theme: Our Planet in 1 Minute – video;
f) To submit a cartoon for the category free-theme, the participant must submit a work for the category ecology;
g) Cartoons and caricatures selected/exhibited in previous editions of the Amazon Humor Salon or in any other festival are not eligible;
h) Videos that have been exhibited/selected/awarded in other festivals or salons are not eligible;
i) Works submitted for themes A, B and C (described in item 3) must be sent along with the registration
form until August 25th, 2010 at 11.59 pm (Brasília time zone);
j) The deadline to send works for theme D (described in item 3) is August 25th, 2010. Works must be sent in DVD format to the following address:
Central de Produção – Cinema e Vídeo na Amazônia –
III Salão Internacional de Humor da Amazônia – Av. Magalhães Barata no. 695 – sala 205 – Bairro São Bráz – Belém- Pará – Brasil – Zip Code: 66023-240.

 The jury  
a) The organizing team of the 3rd Amazon Humor Salon will appoint a Pre-Selection Committee whose responsibility will be to select

works that will take part in the exhibition and in the contest. This Committee will also select the works that will be in the catalogue;
 b) The Jury will be constituted by five members, all qualified professionals in the field;
c) The president of the Jury will be an artist specially invited for the event;
d) The number of works in the catalogue may be different from the number selected for the
exhibition. No complaints on this matter will be considered;
e) The Jury is responsible for granting prizes and special awards;
f) Decisions made by the Jury and the Pre-Selection Committee are final;
 Works and originals
a) Submitted works will not be returned and will be part of the Amazon Humor Salon’s collection;
b) The production company Central de Produção – Cinema e Vídeo na Amazônia, which is responsible for
this project, has the right to use any submitted work, at any time, to advertise the event. It also has the right
to exhibit the works in the project’s tour around States and cities of the Brazilian Northern Region;
c) None of the works will be put for sale or used for commercial purposes;
d) In order to complete his/her registration, the participant must accept and agree with the event’s terms and conditions;
 a)All participants whose works are selected to be published in the catalogue will receive a copy of the catalogue,
which will be sent within a period of 10 (ten) months after the closing ceremony of the Amazon Humor Salon;

grants the salon reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes;


  a) A total of seven (7) prizes will be given:

Themes 1st prize 2st prize
Theme Cartoon – Ecology R$ 4,000.00 (gross amount) R$ 2,000.00 (gross amount)
Theme Cartoon – Free R$ 2,000.00 (gross amount) R$ 1,000.00 (gross amount)
Theme Caricature R$ 2,000.00 (gross amount) R$ 1,000.00 (gross amount)
Theme Our Planet in 1 Minute – Video R$ 1,500.00 (gross amount)


b) Prizes are subject to tax withholdings and bank fees as established by the current and applicable law;
c) All prize-winning works will receive a trophy;

 Venues and Dates
The 3rd Amazon Humor Salon –Ecology in a line-drawing will be held from September 17th to 26th, at the Espaço São José Liberto, Belém- Pará- Brazil.
The Amazon Humor Salon is a project conceived by Biratan Porto and Márcia Macedo, and organized by Central de Produção – Cinema e Vídeo na Amazônia.

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