5th International Cartoon Competition GRAFIKATUR

 5th International Cartoon Competition GRAFIKATUR


مسابقة كرافيكاتور الدولية السادسة  في  ألماانيا

الموضوع: المــــــال
– ترسل الرسوم ( 3 أعمال حد أقصى) بحجم  21×29 سم  )،
إلى العنوان التالي:
Stadtverwaltung Lubben
FACHBERICH IIPostfach 1551
D-15905 Lubben (Spreewald)

 آخر موعد لاستقبال الرسوم في 30/4/2010
 ستوزع العديد من الجوائز المالية


5th International Cartoon Competition GRAFIKATUR

The town Lübben (Spreewald) announces the 5th international cartoon competition “GRAFIKATUR” on the topic :


The submitted maximum three cartoons are not allowed to be bigger than 297×420 mm, have to be without words and must be submitted as a copy. (They won’t be sent back.)
The sender must be written down clearly on the back of each copy.
The cartoons should reach town administration until the 30/4/2010.

Stadtverwaltung Lubben
FACHBERICH IIPostfach 1551
D-15905 Lubben (Spreewald)

Every participant, who was judged with at least one cartoon for the exhibition from 3th of November 2010 to the 14th of January 2011, will get a catalogue.

“GOLDEN FEATHER”: 1000,00 Euro
“SILVER FEATHER”: 800,00 Euro
“BRONZE FEATHER”:500,00 Euro




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